Frequently Asked Questions
Explore some answers to frequently asked questions related to
How much is tuition?
Most classes are $6/half hour ($12/hour, etc). Additional fees may apply. Pricing and more detailed information is available in our payment policies.
How do I find classes in my child’s age range?
When you are logged into the registration system, you will see several categories that you can filter classes by. Select the age range(s) appropriate for your child(ren) to view classes available in their age range.
What if my child is just a bit below or over the age for a class?
The ages listed are what the teacher feels is an appropriate guideline, but you know your child best. You can reach out to the instructor or admin to discuss putting your child in a class that is listed for below or over their age. Admin can put your child in a class outside their age level, but JackRabbit will not allow you to do so yourself, so please reach out.
Can I add or drop a class after registering? How?
Yes! If your child decides a class is not a good fit after the 1st or 2nd class meeting of a session, you may drop the class with no further charges(classes attended will be prorated). To drop, complete the “Class drop form.” If you would like to add a class, this also needs to be done within the first 2 weeks of a session. You can add it through the parent portal.
How do I use the registration system?
Go to to log in or create an account in Jackrabbit. There you will be able to view all courses available for the upcoming terms. Browse the classes and select those you are interested in to view the details. Click "register" to begin entering the information needed to get your child registered for class.
Do you offer tuition assistance?
Yes! We offer several options for lowering the cost of tuition. Here are just a few options: Sell popcorn to offset tuition with DOUBLEGOOD. We offer this for the fall and winter semesters, and families have been able to take almost half off their tuition! Our Sibling Discount is very generous! Parents who volunteer to do extra tasks for illuminate receive percentages off their tuition total (20%, 30% – even 50% for some positions!) Those who help monitor the building during classes receive a coupon toward the next session's tuition. Scholarships are available on an as-needed basis and families must apply to receive one. Our PAYMENT POLICIES detail these discounts on page 4!
Where do I go to register?
Ready to Register? Click here to create a new jackrabbit account or to login to jackrabbit and get registered.
Class Registration Questions
General Questions
Where are you located?
We rehearse and hold most classes/workshops at Centenary Church in Attleboro, but performance locations vary.
Are my children safe at illuminate?
At illuminate, nothing is more important to us than the safety and security of your children. That’s why we’ve chosen KidCheck as our children’s check-in solution to bring you the best check-in experience and to allow us to partner with you to keep your children safe. (See below for KidCheck details.) We also have CORI checked volunteers assisting with monitoring key areas of the building during class times.
What is KidCheck and how do I use it?
KidCheck is a secure checkin system that we use. Check out the video that explains how it it works.
Is illuminate a nonprofit?
Yes! We became 501(c)3 certified in 2015.
Billing Questions
How do I pay for classes?
All payments are made securely through coursestorm. More detailed information is in our payment policy.
Can I pay by cash or check?
We do not accept cash or check. This ensures that no payments are lost and are always properly credited.
When are payments due?
Tuition will only be billed MONTHLY for classes at our main location. All tuition will be posted to your account on the 15th of the month for regular sessions and is due by the 1st of the month. Single day master classes will be posted/processed on the day of the class. For satellite locations, Tuition will be billed by class upon registration. Payment is due by the 2nd week of the session. You can log into the parent portal at any time after tution is posted to make your payment using any accepted payment method. Tuition that is not paid by you, will be charged to your method of payment on file on the due date.
Sponsorship Questions
In what ways can I contribute to illuminate?
Thank you for your willingness to contribute as we provide exceptional, enriching, accessible, wholesome, family-friendly opportunities in every aspect of the arts in an atmosphere that allows students to discover and pursue their potential.
What organizations sponsor illuminate productions?
Check out our sponsors for the current year on the Season Sponsors page
Can I make a one time donation?
Absolutely! We are grateful for any amount you are able to give to help further our mission. Click the link for more info about donating.
What benefits are there for sponsoring illuminate?
Depending on your level of sponsorship, there are many benefits that your organization can enjoy.
Membership Questions
What does it mean to be a member of illuminate?
The Members of illuminate will have a voice in the company as it continues to build and grow. Members will have voting privileges and opportunities to be part of committees that steer the company. In gratitude for this service, the company will grant Membership special benefits throughout the year, such as access to pre-sale tickets, discounts on merchandise, and more!
What are the benefits of membership?
Some of the benefits include: *Early access to tickets – get the best seats! 10% off everything in our store, including merchandise and tickets to events like sock hops *50% off special events like “Parents’ Night Out” *The opportunity to be part of a growing community and network of homeschooling families.
When can I become a member?
Membership is from June 1 through May 31 regardless of membership date. Membership must be reapplied for each year starting June 1.
What does it mean to say I have a “voice” as a Member?
Members are invited to attend, participate and vote in Board meetings, as well as, bring ideas before the Board of Directors for consideration. Members can join, form and/or manage committees to help advance the mission of illuminate and build a stronger company. Directorship nominations will be solicited from the Membership.
What will happen at the Annual Meeting?
The Annual Meeting is open to all Members. The Board of Directors will present to the full Membership nominations for Directorship, an Annual Budget and any By-Law revisions or amendments. These items, once presented, will be voted on by the full membership in attendance.
Team Questions
What teams do you have?
You can find details about all of our teams on the Community Teams page.
How do you join a team?
Applications for all teams will go live on June 1 and will be linked on the team page.
How can I book your team for an event?
You can book a team by simply filling out the team request form.
Get in Touch
Most classes+workshops are held at Centenary Church in Attleboro. Performance locations vary.