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Playbill Drive

Contribute to this year's playbill drive to be a part of the magic of our mainstage productions.

Help the cast reach their goals!

Putting on the high quality productions that we do takes a lot of people and a lot of funding. In order to bring the show to the stage we need to rent lights and sound equipment, build sets, make costumes, print playbills and so much more.


We ask all cast members to raise around $270 each in order to help us reach the goals so we can bring the production to life. Please scroll down to donate and help the cast bring this show to the stage. 

Playbill goals.png






Thank you for your support!

Complete this form to complete your tax-deductable donation and support the Year 12 casts of "Footloose, the Musical" and "Spongebob, Youth Edition" 

Which cast member are you supporting?
Select your contribution(s)
High Five$5
Shoutout (1 line)$25
MEGA Shoutout (3 lines)$50
Quarter Page Ad$125
Half Page Ad$250
Full Page Ad$500
Bronze Sponsorship$1500
Silver Sponsorship$3000
Gold Sponsorship$5000
Platinum Sponsorship$10000
Custom Donation Amount

If you selected shoutout, enter your message in the box below

If you selected an ad, upload the image file below.

Full Page: 2120 px x 3176 px

Half Page: 2120 px x 1548 px

Quarter Page: 1020 px x 1548 px

If you selected sponsorship, review the sponsorship benefits here.

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Thank you to our sponsors!

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